The Trust Library has access to a number of specialised journals both print and electronic provided by NICE/HEE. The box below will take you to the BrowZine search page. Please log in to OpenAthens to access a fuller range of titles. Check with SWIMS catalogue for precise holdings and dates.
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A selection of the relevant journals in the Trust Library
NB: the links will take you to the catalogue page details -precise holding dates, format etc. For more direct link to the journal, please use the BrowZine search (in the Quick Links box) and search for the title after you log into OpenAthens.
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence
(Electronic Journal 2019 - current)
Radiology Research and Practice
(Electronic Journal 2011 - current)
Ultrasound: Journal of the British Medical Ultrasound Society
(Electronic Journal 2014 - current)