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Health & Wellbeing: Isolation

Health & Wellbeing Resources



In March 2020, the UK Government passed strict measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus by implementing a 'lockdown' where citizens should only travel for essential means, and keep a social distance from others. Staying at home for long periods of time can cause feelings of isolation, especially in older people or those who live alone. During this lockdown period, it is vital that you take the necessary steps to recognise concerns and maintain your emotional and social wellbeing as well as your physical health.

Older people


Older People and Isolation

Independent ageInformation and advice about staying connected in older age in pdf and audio formats.

Age UK: Information for you if you or someone you know if feeling lonely

MindInformation and tips for managing loneliness

NHS: Advice on feeling lonely

Mental Health Foundation: Advice for dealing with isolation.



  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time. For example, get up every half hour, maybe do a lap around a room or the house, make a drink or if you have stairs go up and down them.
  • Gentle lying stretches can be done in bed on waking and before sleeping to reduce stiffness and warm up the body.
  • Go outside once a day (check UK Government COVID-19 Guidelines). Remember to stay 2 meters away from other people.
  • Gardening, housework and DIY can be performed in short bouts 10-20 minutes throughout the day.
  • Schedule periods of rest throughout the day.
  • For more information around Exercise and Fitness, as well as links to videos and apps, view the 'Exercise' tab of this LibGuide.



It is important to limit the time you spend thinking, listening and watching various sources about information on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Structure a set amount of time, each day to engage with information about the pandemic and to only engage with this during this time. By applying a daily boundary, the remaining time throughout the day is less likely to be 'contaminated' by thoughts, enabling you to focus and engage more with other activities.


Useful Websites

Talking to Children about Coronavirus -

The Sensory Toolbox - includes a range of meditation apps. Some are serious apps, others are fun, and some are games and mindful colouring apps.

Creativity and Personal Growth:

Online art classes:






The Fundamentals: Routine, Opportunity, Structure, Connection and Variety (ROSCOV)

During this lockdown period, there are five fundamental principles that you need to apply to each and every day of the week, including the weekend. These principles are aimed not only at those that are self-isolating alone but also for those that are isolating with others e.g. family. The five principles are Routine, Opportunity, Structure, Connection and Variety.

Routine - It is important that you maintain a simple, helpful routine, for each day of the week. A routine forms the basis to build your day from and has an important role on influencing your mood and outlook.

Opportunity - Another way to think about this time is that it is a rare opportunity to focus on you. You will continue to grow, and you can now choose certain aspects of your growth, which this time now affords you.

Structure -  Before the lockdown measures, it is likely that you would have had your day structured by the timeframes of: morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime, as well as specific activities including breakfast and work. This structuring of your day is as necessary now as it was before the lockdown measures.

Connection - Whether you enjoy spending time alone or you are someone who thrives on social connections, it is important you remain in connection with someone on a regular basis. 

Variety - It is widely known that 'variety is the spice of life' and this certainly holds true during this lockdown period. Understandably the following thoughts may cross your mind: "What's the point? I'm going to get bored soon anyway." If you only plan and engage in the same activities and tasks each day without any change, you will get bored. Therefore you need some variety to prevent boredom, increase motivation and maintain self-growth. There are many ideas for activities on the internet.