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Health & Wellbeing: Sleep

Health & Wellbeing Resources



Getting a good night's sleep is essential to good mental and physical health. Below are some websites, apps and books about how to improve your sleep.

Books and Games


Mind: Information and advice about sleep problems.


Good thinking

Good Thinking UK - tools and resources to help yourself and others feel better.



Sleep Apps


The Pzizz app helps you quickly calm your mind, fall asleep fast, stay asleep and wake up refreshed. It uses 'dreamscapes' - a mix of music, voiceovers and sound effects designed to using the latest clinical research - to help you sleep better at night or take power naps during the day.


Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme for people living in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. It has been clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep through the night, and give you more energy during the day if you follow the programme correctly.


Sleepstation is a 6-week online course for people who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night. The course is tailored to your needs, using the information you provide, and gives you access to a team of sleep experts who will offer helpful advice and support throughout.

