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Health Literacy for Schools: 16-18 Year Olds

Resources, games and videos for introducing health literacy to children and young people

Berkshire mental health resources

  • Little Blue Book of SunshineJoint publication from Berkshire East and West. Includes information about services across all of Berkshire. Explains some of the things you can do right now to feel better, or who to turn to if things feel too much. Available as PDF and as a free ebook on Apple Books and Google Play Books. 

  • Koothonline counselling and emotional support for Berkshire.


Council pages and services


Helping Friends and Family


Medications Information

The British National Formulary & The British National Formulary for Children (BNF & BNFc)

These are the reference guides used by health professionals in the UK for prescribing, dispensing and giving medicines. The information is written for health professionals so it is authoritative but may be hard to understand. You can look at these for free on the NICE (National Institute for Care Excellence) website.


Patient - Medicine & Drugs A-Z

Printable information about a wide range of drugs. Not specifically aimed at young people but written very clearly. “Our clinical information is certified to meet NHS England's Information Standard. Our health information leaflets are written in clear, easy-to-understand language for the general public and patients. “


NHS Choices - Medicines A-Z

Describes how medicines work with links to the associated conditions. “Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.”

Which service when?

When to go to a pharmacist

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and can offer advice on over the counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses such as coughs, colds, aches and pains. They will also make sure you get the help you need if your symptoms suggest you should see a GP or other healthcare professional. Most pharmacies have a private consultation room so you discuss issues with pharmacy staff in private.

See here for more information about pharmacies and the services they provide.

Asking Questions at GP Appointments

Asking questions at your GP appointment


Whether it is your initial GP appointment, a consultation with a specialist at an outpatient appointment or a mental health assessment there are a few things you can prepare in advance that will help you to get the most out of time with the health professional. These resources below will help you ask questions to make sure you fully understand your health.

Info on specific conditions




  • Diabetes UK
  • Diabetes Treatments - Covers different types of medications as well as lifestyle changes to help control diabetes.
  • DigiBeteSite for children and young people living with Type1 Diabetes. Divided into age groups from under 5s to 19-25. Includes a downloadable insulin pump workbook for children and young people. Videos on good injection techniques, and other useful topics. Links to other quality assessed websites

  • University College London Hospitals. Children and Young People’s Services - Short video guides to help with some of the basics of managing diabetes for children and young people with diabetes.



  • Epilepsy treatmentThere are a number of different treatments for epilepsy, however the most common is medication. The main aim of treating epilepsy is to improve the person's quality of life by preventing seizures but also causing minimum side effects. Here you can find more information on treatment, including antiepileptic medication, epilepsy surgery, cannabidiol, emergency epilepsy medication and dietary treatments.


Fact Checkers


Fact checkers will help you to understand health information and claims that are in the news. Some of the most well known are:

Developing critical thinking skills to help to distinguish the difference is really important. See our resources page for tips on how to boost your understanding of health information.



All Apps are available for iOS and Android


Alcoholics Anonymous

0800 9177 650

Helpline for those who feel they have a drinking problem.

Be Gamble Aware

0808 8020 133

Free and confidential support for people who are worried about their, or someone else’s, gambling.


Helpline: 0808 801 0677 (Over 18s)

Studentline: 0808 801 0811 (Student helpline)

Youthline: 0808 801 0711 (Under 18s)

Support for people who have or are worried they have an eating disorder.


0800 023 2033

Advice for children in care and young care leavers.

Boloh helpline: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic family Covid-19 Helpline from Barnardo’s

0800 1512605

They provide emotional support, practical advice and signposting to other organisations who can provide further help. Running between October 2020 and 30 September 2021.

CALM: Campaign Against Living Miserably

0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight)

Confidential helpline to talk through issues.  


0808 800 0661

Advice for those at risk of being homeless, sofa surfing or homeless.

Coram Voice

0808 800 5792

Support and information for children and young people in care, on the edge of care or care leavers.


0300 888 3853

Supports friends and families affected by someone else’s drug, alcohol or gambling problems.


0300 1236600

Helpline providing advice on drugs.

Grief Encounter

0808 802 0111

Confidential helpline which supports bereaved children and young adults. Webchat and email support also available.

LGBT Foundation

0345 3 30 30 30

Support and advice on a range of topics.


0808 801 0400

Offers support to transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children and young people

National Association for Children of Alcoholics

0800 358 3456

Helpline for everyone affected by a parent’s alcohol problems

Papyrus Hopeline

0800 068 4141

Provides a safe space for young people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide

The Mix

0808 808 4994

Support service for young people.

The Survivors Trust

08088 010 818

Free and confidential helpline for survivors of sexual violence or abuse.

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline

0300 330 0630

Safe space to discuss anything including, sexuality, gender identity, sexual health or emotional wellbeing.

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger

Text YM to 85258

Text message crisis support service which helps with urgent issues such as: suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying, relationship issues.